
Our Psychologists and Occupational Therapists are committed to work together to provide a high standard of services for clients under the NDIS program. A list of services we provide are summarised below:

1. Assessment and Planning Services
We help you to plan to achieve the goals you want to achieve

2. Occupational Therapy
We have driver trained specialist Occupational Therapist Assessments.

Our OT services also include individual assessment, therapy and/or training (includes assistive technology), involving assessment, therapy, training, fitting and any approved travel to deliver support

3. Finding and Keeping a Job

Workplace assistance enables a participant to successfully obtain and/or retain employment in the open or supported labor market.

4. Behaviour support

Behaviour support requires a behaviour support plan to be developed that aims to limit the likelihood of behaviours of concern developing or increasing once identified.

Specialist behavioural intervention support includes highly specialised intensive support interventions to address significantly harmful or persistent behaviours of concern. Development of behaviour support plans that temporarily use restrictive practices, with intention to minimise use of these practices.

Behaviour management plan, training in behaviour management strategies includes training for carers and others in behaviour management strategies required due the persons disability

5. Therapy services
Our services facilitate functional improvement through adjustment, adaptation and building capacity to participate in the broader community. Treatment modalities such as provision of aids and equipment, skill mastery, ergonomic adjustment, functional education, workplace assessment are all appropriate to this model of disability management.